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Where & When It's Happening

Projects and programs in the Integrated Plan will be happening throughout Johnson County. The information/schedule will be updated on a regular basis. Please check back for updates.

Five-Year Action Plan


The 25-year schedule reflects JCW’s understanding of infrastructure needs and regulatory priorities over the next 25 years, with respect to information currently available. As JCW continues to implement their programs over time, new information that helps to better characterize system needs, solutions, and resources will be developed. Using the principles of adaptive management, JCW will periodically review and update the IMP to ensure investments are prioritized to achieve the most community benefits.

JCW intends to implement a long-term performance monitoring approach that measures both the resulting community and environmental benefits. The first phase of the IMP will begin with implementation of a 5-Year Action Plan.

Five-Year Action Plan


Project information/schedule will be updated with information throughout planning & construction. Check back for updates.

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