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PS 14/16 - Hallbrook

NEW RENDERINGS - new renderings from standing height for a golfer using the course.
added 2022-10-25



City of Leawood Governing Body Meeting - August 15, 2022 - Slide Presentation PDF


2022-08-15 JCW State Line PS & FM PS14-16 presentation - click to view pdf
  • INTERACT Meeting - March 10, 2022 - Slide Presentation PDF

  • INTERACT Virtual Meeting - March 10, 2022 - Recording

2022-03-10 JCW State Line PS14-16 NTERACT Meeting - click to view presentation
  • What is an Integrated Plan?
    An Integrated Plan (IP) supports strategic and financial planning by examining an organization’s existing resources and future needs. It is a thoughtful, equitable and collaborative resource that promotes efficiency and reliability, identifies high priority needs for capital investment, prioritizes human health and quality of life, and minimizes unnecessary social and environmental impacts.
  • What is JCW’s Integrated Plan?
    In 2019, JCW initiated a system-wide planning effort aimed at developing a long-term, prioritized infrastructure investment strategy that addresses wastewater needs and meets US Environmental Protection Agency and Kansas Department of Health and Environment requirements over the next 25 years. This Integrated Plan (IP) identified approximately $2.1 billion (in 2018 dollars) of projects that need to be implemented to meet these goals. JCW intends to continuously review and update the IP to address the community’s service needs as they evolve over time. Projects identified in the initial 25-year planning period include: Individual capital projects, such as those needed to build new treatment facilities and support regional growth; and Ongoing improvement initiatives focused on getting the most use out of our existing infrastructure. Now that the projects have been identified in the 25-year IP, JCW’s Integrated Plan Program is focused on providing the day-to-day staffing, communication, resources, and planning needed to implement the projects.
  • Why did JCW develop an Integrated Plan?
    Over the years JCW has made significant investments to improve and maintain our wastewater systems. However, aging infrastructure needs, increasingly complex water quality and regulatory compliance issues, wet weather capacity concerns, and growing service demands will continue to require major capital investments into the future. The Integrated Plan (IP) allows JCW to move forward with these critical projects in a way that minimizes impacts to our financial resources, staff, and customers. The IP approach is authorized by the Clean Water Act and provides municipal wastewater utilities like JCW with a framework to establish implementation schedules that meet state and federal regulatory requirements. By developing and implementing the IP, JCW can stay in compliance with the regulations while continuing to provide cost-effective services to our customers.
  • What are the goals of the Integrated Plan and associated Program?
    JCW developed the Integrated Plan (IP) to establish a prioritized and balanced infrastructure investment strategy that meets regulatory requirements and serves existing and future customer needs. The goals of the IP align with JCW’s mission to: Protect our environment, Serve our customers, and Enhance our communities. In doing so, the plan seeks to implement projects that solve the most critical infrastructure, environmental, and public health needs first, while allowing adequate time to develop a deeper understanding of future system needs. JCW is now focused on implementing projects through the IP Program. The goal of the IP Program is to provide JCW’s project managers, staff, engineering consultants, and outside contractors with the appropriate resources and tools needed to complete the identified projects on time and on budget.
  • How will the Integrated Plan improve our quality of life?
    The Integrated Plan (IP) focuses on implementing projects that improve water quality in our streams and rivers, provide important human health protections for our citizens, and maintain a high level of service for our customers. Specifically, the IP outlines JCW’s approach for: Rehabilitating old pipes, manholes, pumping, and treatment facilities to continue to effectively convey and treat wastewater for our existing customers. Resolving precipitation-related flow management challenges that currently cause occasional sewer overflows, building backups, and other unplanned discharges throughout the system during major wet weather events. Proactively preparing for system expansion and improvement efforts needed to support continued growth and redevelopment; and Beneficially reusing waste byproducts to minimize environmental impacts, reduce operating costs, and more efficiently use resources.
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