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JoCo Inflow (I&I)
JoCo Info Program (Private I&I )



JoCo Inflow (also know as Inflow and Infiltration or I&I)


One of Johnson County Wastewater’s major investments to improve wastewater collection system performance is its Private Inflow and Infiltration program, now known as JoCo Inflow.

This voluntary program has helped thousands of Johnson County homeowners reduce the risk of basement sewer backups with no out-of-pocket expense to the homeowner. 

Thousands of private sewer lines are connected to the wastewater system. For the system to function properly, those private connections must be properly configured and maintained.


Inflow and Infiltration occurs when rain and groundwater enter the sanitary sewer system. This excess flow should go into the storm sewer system, so when it enters our sanitary sewer system it overwhelms the system and results in private and public systems issues. This is a common theme for many wastewater utilities across the country, and addressing the excess wet weather flow requires public support and participation to mitigate the issue.

What causes Private Inflow and Infiltration?

Private I&I is caused by the connection of sources on private properties (sump pumps, downspouts, area/driveway drains, uncapped cleanouts, foundation drains) to the public collection system.   

Private I&I reduces capacity in the sewer system. This can overwhelm the sewers with stormwater flow which can lead to: 

  • Basement backups 

  • Sanitary sewer overflows to adjacent watercourses 

  • Increase treatment costs 


What can I do to fix this?

Wastewater has implemented a 100% voluntary program called JoCo Inflow that will help remedy this problem at no cost to the homeowner. 

The program started in 1983 and expanded in 1986 creating the first large scale private I&I removal program in the United States. Since then, we have inspected more than 55,000 properties and removed about 17,000 sources. Currently, Wastewater removes approx. 150-200 private I&I sources per year. 


1 See If Your Home Qualifies

Properties within the Johnson County Wastewater service area may have been constructed with a private I&I connection, allowing unwanted groundwater to enter the sanitary sewer. 

Complete this form to schedule a time for a JoCo Inflow representative to perform an evaluation.

A JoCo Inflow representative will perform an evaluation of your property with no out-of-pocket expense to determine if your home qualifies. 

2 Schedule Maintenance Work

If we find that your property’s connection to the sewer system needs maintenance during the evaluation, you may select a plumbing company from a list of pre-qualified plumbers provided by Wastewater.

3 Choose Your Plumber

Wastewater has a list of qualified local plumbers who are experienced with these repairs and can perform the work on your property. If you have a plumber not listed that you would like to have perform the repairs, please contact the Wastewater representative and they can discuss the procedures for contracting with your plumber.

4 Work Is Completed

The plumber will schedule the work at a time/date agreeable to the property owner. The work typically takes one business day to complete.

5 Inspection

Wastewater or an authorized representative will verify the work was done properly.

Different draining from the home.
Inflow graphic

How Unwanted Flow Enters Sewer System

This image depicts various ways I&I enters the sewer system during a wet weather event. Each of these issues causing I&I is addressed through one of the Programs implemented as part of the Integrated Plan.


Manhole Inspection and Renewal Program

Manhole Inspection and Renewal Program 

JCW’s system includes over 58,000 manholes. Each year, projects are completed to inspect, rehabilitate, and repair older manholes. JCW executes many repairs through trenchless lining projects (no digging required) to reduce disturbances to roads and residents. This program maintains the structural integrity of the system and reduces unwanted wet weather inflow and infiltration into the sanitary sewer system. 

Pipe Inpection and Renewal Program

Pipe Inspection and Renewal Program 

JCW maintains a collection system that includes over 2,300 miles of gravity pipes. Each year, projects are completed to inspect, rehabilitate, and repair aging gravity sewers. This program maintains the structural integrity of the system and reduces unwanted wet weather inflow and infiltration into the sanitary sewer system. 

BUPP - Backup Prevention Program

Backup Prevention Program

Protect your home from heavy rain - click here to learn more

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